Ryck's blog

Monday, November 27, 2006

The End .......(Part 2)

That's the end of my story. Why would I end my story for the second time?

(I believe different people have different thinking, all of this is just part of my own thought. You all might disagree with me)

Yes. I started my relationship with her again. It was a sudden. From the time she break up with her ex-bf, I'm really felt sad for her and I want to stay beside her and care for her. I did try my best to cheer her up and console her. Soon, I started back my feeling toward her. I felt comfort and happy be with her. This time, she did change a lot from the day I knew her. I'm glad that I still can be friend with her.

Everything was just fine for the first few months. We did enjoy together for a movie and dinner. I still remember the moment we were together for the trip. She did promise me to share everything to me no matter happiness and sadness. I guess she need some times. That’s fine. I’m not giving any pressure to her.

Here is my broken heart moment; we had a conversation after her exam. At first, I thought we could solve out our problem and work out together. But, end up she gave up on this. I felt very sad and disappointed. The reason she said we were not compatible to each other and she did try on in this relationship as well. The moment she said she did TRY. I really felt a bit angry on these. Maybe I had come across this word before her. Therefore my reaction was a bit angry. Meanwhile, I knew that when someone no longer has the feeling to another, usually they will say they did try in this relationship. That’s fine. I accept it. Then, I asked her why did she came back and ask for the 2nd times. The answer was really unexpected and she said this to me “Actually if you didn’t accept me in the first place. I also feel okay one”. Why she telling me this and what kind of answer is this? I can’t believe she said this to me. Is she trying to tell me that she just simply confesses and not even values the relationship? =.="

That’s the end of our conversation…..

At last, I didn’t blame her at all and i shouldn't. I know it’s not her fault. No one fault in this relationship. Each of us must be responsible into this relationship. It’s just that I felt very disappointed; I thought we can really work out this time.Oh..ya…nothing can be guarantee. But, if you are ready to accept this relationship would you think of when will you going to break up in the next minutes?
Yea….time will heals. Maybe in future we still can be friend or may not.


Is it every relationship also TRY?? I understand she said she did try out this relationship. I believe the main source of a relationship isn’t trying. It’s about the FEELING. When you really in love to the person, no matter how there’s always a solution in a relationship. (Unless 3rd party exits)
I understand she doesn’t have the feeling to me anymore. That’s why she said we are not compatible to each other and our thinking is different.


Life's still go on.....................................................!!!


Nice songs.....by Cyndi




Wednesday, November 15, 2006

End....(Part 1)!!!

Here I end my story Part 1. Actually, I suppose to end this story years ago. But then I thought everything still going fine in my mind even though something unexpected happend.

4 years ago, I had fallen in love to a girl which is my first love. She's cute and attractive. After our SPM exam, I'm going after her and I did it. I thought it was a miracle and I'm really happy to be with her. Everything's fine for the first few month. I did get to know her parents a well. All this while, I'm trying my best to impress her parent. I dont know what i did was right or wrong? Probably I'm wrong for her, her parent had pressure her to be such a good girlfriend. I hardly could understand her situation. I felt very sorry to her.

Finally, we broke off for some reason. She needs to concentrate in her study and maybe she couldnt stand for the pressure anymore. It was very sad and I feel like everything is going to end. I'm very serious to her. I used to recall the sweet moment we together even I knew I'm no longer to be with her. I dont know why I cant let go her. I keep on try my best to get her back....care of her...be with her when she sad. I even told her that I will take care of her till she got her Mr.Right no matter what. I told myself I'm not going to give up like this. Maybe you all might think I'm too stubborn or what. Anway, we went for movie and dinner once in a while.

Here came to the most upset in my life. I met her with another guy in the place that we use to hang out. I was like stunt and mental block. I dont what should I react. From that moment on, I told myself she's belong to someone else already. Why am i still being such a FOOL?? I took years to heal. I LOVE her very much. That's really true...!!!

My thought after some time

Till now, I did not blame her at all. I wonder what's wronog in the relationship. I just want to know the reason. I knew in a relationship, we cant force each other together when the feeling was not there anymore. In this situation, I totally understand her feeling. Maybe she felt hard to tell me this. It's ok. I choosed it. I deserved it.

* when the feeling is gone.....it was gone *


Here I wish her stay happy and enjoy her lifes.......may god bless her...!!!